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Thought leadership:

Decoding The Amnesty Scheme

29 July 2019

In a step forward towards moving up on the ease of doing business index and with an aim to provide quick closures to pending litigations, the government in its Budget 2019 unveiled the ‘Sabka Vishwas Legacy Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2019’  also known as the Amnesty scheme.

The Scheme aims to resolve excise and service tax disputes pertaining to the period before the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax and unclog over INR 3.75 lakh crore tax dues trapped in pending litigations.

Watch our Indirect Tax experts NV Raman and Sohrab Bararia, explain in detail, the proposed scheme as they illustrate the impact and benefits of the policy, along with take-aways to action on, in order to benefit largely from this scheme.